Operating allows you to replicate your organization structure to the extent that it matters. You don’t have to add all teams, hierarchies and reporting structures, but if you want to see the reports in that way, please do so.
Here you can see an example of a company called MattiCo Five that has been formed after a merger of multiple agencies that continue to work as separated business units (CreativeCo, Rebel Unit, Rogue Bunch, and Company XYZ with two units inside of it). Their people are located across Belgium and France. They also work with Externals, which they have put in a group outside of the MattiCo Five hierarchy.
This allows:
This is what it looks like for Joy, a consultant who can do two different roles: analyst and producer work, depending on the project. Their group memberships are visible here in their admin drawer: the France group, highlighted with the dark colour, is the primary group. That’s where they get their weekly working hours and holidays from.
Joy is working for the Comms group inside Company XYZ. That’s why they also have the membership in Company XYZ and MattiCo Five.
Joy’s work will show up in many different reports, depending on what is being filtered for.
When you feel that the Groups aren’t granular enough for your reporting purposes, add Project and Client Tags.
For an agency doing creative work, these might be nice project tag categories and example tags inside each category: