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Integration Setup

To start the process of installing the Pipedrive integration, go to the Integrations page in Operating and click Connect Pipedrive

  1. Click Menu in the top bar.
  2. Select Settings from the dropdown.
  3. Click on CRM Sales Pipeline to open the integration page.
  4. On the Integrations page click on Connect under Pipedrive logo**.**
  5. Authorize the integration by logging in with your Pipedrive credentials.
  6. Choose a Pipedrive account to connect to Operating.
  7. You will be redirected back to Operating and your integration is now activated!

Configuring the integration

After activating the integration, the Pipedrive integration page shows all your deal pipelines on your connected Pipedrive accounts.

You can select when you want your deals to appear in Operating. When deals enter the pipeline stages you choose, they flow into Operating when you refresh the CRM status in Operating.


Refreshing Deals from CRM

You can refresh the CRM status by clicking the big red refresh button on Horizon & Staff views. Whenever a deal has updated and is in the pipeline stages you have chosen in the settings view, it either appears, or updates in Operating.


Mapping deal data between Pipedrive & Operating

Whenever a new client or deal owner comes from Pipedrive, you can map them, so Operating remembers them the next time.