The same document as a printable PDF – share this with your team, attach to the meeting invitation.

The same document as a printable PDF – share this with your team, attach to the meeting invitation.

The Routine

  1. Make sure everyone who brings in new work (sales team, key account managers) knows when you’re having the weekly staffing meeting. Share the agenda ahead of time (see below).
  2. Lead the staffing meeting with Operating visible to everyone (on a big screen or screen-sharing in a video call). Zoom in (with cmd/ctrl + if needed). If someone is unable to attend, process their cases to the best of your knowledge.
  3. Keep adding and editing work allocations and tentative ideas in Operating throughout the week. Extend confirmed allocations if ongoing work continues into the future.
    1. Remind and motivate consultants to update their plans regularly: when doing so, they will be reached out when the opportunity arises, and the company’s capacity forecast is accurate. This makes it easier to recruit their next colleague at the right time!
  4. Use Slack or Teams to share what’s going on – link to Operating if major decisions are made outside the recurring meetings – ideally, the “Monday routine” is never surprising or confusing – much more of a “shared understanding” session, helping you focus and align the efforts.
  5. That’s it, that’s the routine.

The Agenda

Agenda for a weekly recurring staffing session, e.g. on Monday at 11-12.

  1. Projects to be staffed (team setup + allocations)
  2. People with availability
  3. Capacity forecast + conclusions

For the first couple of times this will take a little bit longer, but once you get into the habit, a 60-minute meeting should be enough. Remembering to do Step 0 will keep the meeting tight.


STEP 1 / approx 20 minutes